


Get ready for something different! This multidimensional, ground-breaking storyline brings excitement and allure to the pages of Gary Westfal’s debut novel.

Dream Operative contains a bevy of colorful characters and fascinating scenarios centered on one central hero who discovers an ability to manipulate the familiar, yet elusive, alter-conscious domain of his dreams. But that ability proves to be a double-edged sword, as various governmental agencies pursue him in an attempt to exploit him…or eliminate him altogether.

Imagine having an ability to knowingly control the elements of your dreams. Gary Westfal adeptly provides a scintillating plausibility and realism to the concept in
this clandestine thriller!

A self-proclaimed spy novel with a sci-fi twist, Dream Operative will keep you turning the pages in this fast-moving, action-packed thriller!

Check out the Dream Operative Video

Also available in Audiobook 

Critically reviewed by Writer’s Digest as…

A fun, fast read with a great deal of suspense, action, and a thrilling climax.”

Gary Westfal is an amazing writer. He has a talent that should be continued to be shared. I cannot wait to read his next exciting adventure.



Insight, Inspiration, and Impact…leading to

Your Best Life!

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